1. How to pick up a color of painting surface?
    There are two possible solutions:
    1. Use the Pickup Tool to locate a color on surface and fill the color of the current painting tool. 
    2. Use the Pickup Gesture to collect the color liquid
    The first solution put more quantity of liquid on the Painting Tool. The second one may have blended colors and different color pattern on the Painting Tool.  
  2. How to produce the Impasto effect?
    The most important is to keep the density of color liquid. That mean you shouldn't dilute it using Turpentine. And then you should try to produce the thick layer. There are several ways:

    Tool Description
    Tube Produce the maximum thick layer
    Knife Fill Knife with a Color with maximum pressure to get more quantity, and then tag Knife on Painting Support. To repeat the same action, you can enable "Save Color Patterns" with "Auto Reset" option.
    Brush Same as Knife
  3. There are too much color on my canvas, how to remove it?
    With Knife, you rotate angle > 45° and use the backward painting direction to remove it.
    With Brush, you can turn on the Auto Clean option and paint repeatedly.
  4. How to prepare a gradient color ?
    You can use a knife in Blending mode (rotation angle < 45°) to blend two or more colors.
  5. How to produce bristle marks ?
    To produce bristle marks, the quantity of color liquid loaded in Brush is very important. You need first to prepare the color on Palette and use the Pickup Gesture to load the color in Painting Tool, and then paint on the surface with maximum pressure to produce thin layer of color.
  6. How to prepare a background ?
    A background should be a very thin layer. The solution is to use the more wet color. To prepare the wet color, two tools can be used: Wetness Plan and Turpentine. Once the wet color is prepared, you can use either Knife or brush to pant the thin layer. And the option Auto Reset is very help for the repeated blending operations.