

Property Description Value
Focus on visibility This value manages the transparency of the below layers. 0~100%, default is 50%

If this value is too high, the bottom layer would be covered by the top one.

Show surface Whether or not to display the surface when drawing. Default is true


Property Description Value
Silence on error Play sound or not when error happens Default is false.
Pencil Sensibility The sensibility of Apple Pencil From 1.0 ~ 5.0, and the default value is 3.0.
Enable Auto Save(m) Whether or not to save the artworks automatically. You can also specify a time interval value between 2 save works. Default is true, and the time interval value is from 1 minute to 10 minutes, the default value is 2 minutes.

Painting Tools

Property Description Value
Number of Recent Tools The max number of recording recent used painting tools, please see Recent Tools in Toolbar for more details. From 1 ~ 9, and the default value is 8.
Auto Hide Tools Panels(s) Hide painting tool selector(both Recent Tools and Painting Tools) if it not be used within a long time. Default is true, and the tools panels will be hidden after 6 ~ 30 seconds.

Painting Toolbar

Property Description Value
Hide automatically Enable to hide floating painting toolbars while drawing.

As you know, the toolbar is very useful for selecting different actions, but at sometimes, we need to hide them to get a clean workspace.

Default is true.
Delay to Show(s) Whether or not to delay to show the Painting Tool bar.

No matter the toolbar is hidden manually or automatically, it will be displayed later. This setting is very important for continuity drawing.

Default is false, but you can change the delay time through 1 second to 10 seconds.
Show/Hide Gestures Whether or not to show/hide the toolbar with one finger tap gesture. Default is true


Property Description Value
Undo Enable one finger swipe left to undo. Default is true.
Redo Enable one finger swipe right to redo. Default is true
Clean Enable one finger swipe up to clean current painting tool. Default is true
Pattern picker Enable one finger swipe down to switch to pattern picker. Default is true
AutoReset Enable two fingers single touch to enable/disable auto reset of painting tool. Default is true

More details about gestures, please see this link.