Grid, Guide Lines, Tracing and Reference

This feature contains a list of assistance tools.


Grid is a useful assistant tool for drawing, you can also custom the size, color and line width. It will be displayed on the top of the artwork and below the Guide Lines.

The Grid can be show when you tap button.

Guide Lines

Guide Lines is another kind of assistant tool for drawing, it likes to make marks on artwork, you can draw some lines or dot to help you while drawing.

The Guide Lines will be displayed at the very top of the artwork.

The Guide Lines can be show when you tap button.

You need to enable drawing guide lines manually by tap button.


Tracing is a assistant tool of copying the image. Sometimes, you may want to drawing something like an existing image, you can just use this tool.

Tracing is not same as the Import Image to artwork, the image of tracing is not part of the artwork, it only insert an image temporary under the artwork, once the drawing is finished, it can be removed.

The image of tracing can be managed in following ways:

Once the image is set, you can align it related on the artwork:

You can also change the rotation and fill method of image:

The most important thing is the Focus Visibility, please check this from Settings. It used to control the alpha value of multiple layers. If this value is tool high, the image of tracing should be covered.


The Reference is like Tracing, it also needs an image. But the Reference is more easier, it just to pin the image at the top of artwork as reference.

The Reference can be zoomed and moved by 2 fingers pinches.

Both the Tracing and Reference can be show when you tap button.