Oil Painting Simulation

The goal of this application is to simulate as closely as possible to the real Oil Painting. Precisely, the simulation consists of the following aspects:

  1. Painting Process
  2. Painting Tools
  3. Color Management
  4. Liquid
  5. Painting Surface

Painting Process

This application simulates as closely as possible to the real Painting approach. It provides not only a Palette for Color preparation, but also a capability to produce painting strokes very hard to repeat. Under the same conditions, all strokes made by users are very similar, but never the same. They aren't closed mechanically.

Painting Tool

Most of Oil Painting tools are supported such as Brush, Knife and Fluffy Mop. Please read here to get more details.

Color Management

Color is very important in Oil Painting, this application simulates the real color process in the Painting process. Please read here to get more details.


In the real physic world, the density of Color plays an important role on Painting. It influences the thickness of layer and capability of color spreading and blending. More density of liquid can produce easier the effect Impasto, and thinner liquid can give an effect of water or cloud.

This application simulates the medium like Turpentine. In the real Oil Painting, Turpentine is a thinner, it will make the painting look more like water-color, depending on the quantities and it makes it opaque.

The simulation of Color Liquid consists of a Color management in two states: Dried and Wet. Color Liquid in Dried is in fact a liquid anymore, it is a solid state. It doesn't participate the color blending in painting. However, Color Liquid in Wet is managed by a property named as Wetness, which is used to control the density of Color Liquid. A Wet Color can become Dried via a tool Dryer, which shows dryness state of entier Artwork in a dedicated view. But the Dried liquid can never come back to Wet. The Wetness is controlled by the tools Turpentine, Fluffy Mop and Wetter. The last shows Wetness of entier Artwork in a dedicated view.

The simulation of Wetness consumes a lot of iPad processors. With a important value of Wetness, the response time of Apple Pencil will be impacted. In worst time, it increases by a factor of 2. But it is still acceptable.

Painting Surface

Painting Surface is a medium support, where you produce your Artwork. The difference of texture of medium support may influence Strokes when the layer is thin. Our application supports a lot of supports with different fabric texture and degree of rough.

Please see this documentation to get more details.